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Clearing the Landing Zone metadata cache

To improve performance when reading from the Landing Zone or from the Data Warehouse tables, Compose caches the metadata from both the Landing Zone and the Data Warehouse tables. However, synchronization issues may sometimes occur if the metadata structure of the Landing Zone or the Data Warehouse tables is altered outside of the Compose project.

If you aware of external changes to the metadata or if you notice any data synchronization anomalies, Compose enables you to clear the metadata cache, either using the UI or using the CLI.

You can clear the Landing Zone metadata cache using either the Compose web console or the Compose CLI.

Clearing the metadata cache using the web console

When using the web console to clear the metadata cache, the following methods are available:

  1. Open the Source Table/View Selection - <Landing_Zone_Name> window as described in Discovering the Source Database or Landing Zone.
  2. Click the Clear Cache button located below the Show internal Qlik tables option.
  1. Click the Manage button at the bottom left of the Data Warehouse panel.

    The Manage Data Warehouse Tasks window opens.

  2. In the Mappings tab, click Clear Landing Cache.

For information on clearing the Data Warehouse cache, see Clearing the data warehouse metadata cache.

Clearing the metadata cache using the CLI

You can also clear the metadata cache using the CLI.

Command syntax:

ComposeCli.exe clear_cache --project project_name [--type landing|storage] [--landing_zone source_name]


Parameter Description
--project The name of the project.

Which type of metadata cache to clear. Possible values are:

  • landing

  • storage


    If --type landing and you want to clear a specific landing zone, you must set the --landing_zone parameter as well. To clear the metadata cache in all landing zones, specify --type landing and omit the --landing_zone parameter.

--landing_zone the name of the landing zone when --type landing_zone


ComposeCli.exe clear_cache --project MyProject --type landing --landing_zone MySource1

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